Debut CD of the University of Iowa Saxophone Ensemble
Jeanné Records JDR 2282
The Sorcerer’s Apprentice Paul Dukas (1865-1935)
Contemplation Guy Lacour (1932-2013)
The Marriage of Figaro Overture Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791) arr. Tim Schlutz
Versuch über fractal Kazuto Miyazawa (b. 1952)
Klezmer Salsa Philippe Geiss (b. 1961)
Sir Patrick
Antiphochrome Paul Siskind (b. 1964)
Cyrus the Great Karl King (1891-1971) The Melody Shop arr. Kevin 11) Kastens Barnum and Bailey’s Favorite March
La Boda de Luis Alonso Gerónimo Giménez (1854-1923)